National Recall Alert Center

Trusted and Used By 4 Out Of 5 Hospitals Since 1973

National Recall Alert Center, a federally-approved 501(c)3 non-profit organization, is the nation's premier recall warning alert service. As the nation's most comprehensive recall warning alert central clearinghouse, NRAC is the first and still the only organization that provides realtime 24-7-365 service which has been it's hallmark for almost 50 years.

Copyright © 2021 National Recall Alert Center, all rights reserved.

Only Organization with all the following:

  • 50+ Years of Experience
  • The Most Precise Data
  • A Triple Alerting System
  • Recall Alerts Provided to Every Hospital Department, Every Stakeholder and Every Staff Member Responsible for Recalls
  • $5 million Lloyds of London insurance policy to protect each hospital member

As of

We still have grants available in 46 of the 50 states that may offset your facility's costs.

Please Watch This 2 Minute Video

Copyright © 2024 National Recall Alert Center, all rights reserved.